

Perception Blerd started as a hobby project for me. Something to help pass the time during the pandemic shut down. I had dabbled in podcasting a few years prior and I found it to be, as cliché as it is, very therapeutic. It was a way to connect with friends and talk about things that we all had in common and sometimes things we didn’t necessarily agree on. Then everything that is 2020 happened. Between the corona virus and everything with the Black Lives Matter movement things I needed to say something. So the direction of this podcast changed. I still occasionally record thing of a geeky nature but for the most part now this podcast has turned into a chronicle of sorts. A way to share my stories and thoughts as well as the stories of other black men and women as we live day to day. Some may agree some may disagree but either way these stories need to be heard and I’m going to do my part to make sure they are. So for those of you that have hung on thank you for sticking with me on this journey. There is much more to come. If you want to hear me talk about anything or want to be on the show click any of my social media links below and send me a message. More Storyteller Project episodes in the works and more of my friends being featured so stay tuned. Is your Perception Blerd, Y’not? -David Jackson Host

For my newest episodes as they become available use the player below. For all others view the “Episodes” page in my menu.

You must be proud…Boy OR You got a friend in me ! Perception Blerd, Y'not?

I had to speak on the fact that someone was brazen enough to cosplay a member of a hate group at a large comic con!